Monday, July 24, 2006

Gettin' The Milk For Free

Amidst our packing and planning for Sunday's move to our own place, we took out some time Monday to sign the lease.

I made Marty take pictures with me to document the occasion. He complied, accidentally making a rabbit-face in one of them. It sent me into giggles for an hour. Marty considers himself a witty person, but the only time he makes me really guffaw is when he makes some kind of embarrassing mistake like drooling or coughing mid-sentence. I choose not to examine what that says about our relationship.

Speaking of public embarrassment, here's the pic:

We're excited to start our lives together.
Plus, it's too late to change our minds. ---->

On the way back from the signing I got a call from my mom who said that my parents are moving out of my childhood home. That's way sooner than I thought it would be; I thought I would get one last reminiscent tour of the place before they moved out. They've lived there for 30 years and I spent my entire childhood there. It's strange that I'm not going to be involved with the move. It is also weird that I'm moving in with my boyfriend on the same weekend.
As Marty said, "The times, they are a changin'." Well put, Marty, well put.

One last aside. I usually stray from saccharinity, but Marty likes it. And I'm trying learn from him when it comes to celebrating The Now and not being afraid to share the mushy good stuff. So, in that vein, here's some mushy good stuff.
You've been warned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hm. I am overwhelmed with feelings. Dare I say they are... mushy? Even...good?