Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's a g-g-g-guest!

Last weekend Megan and I recieved our first guests in our new place, my good friends Tom and Erin (pictured left).

They arrived at about 11:30am on Sat. and I saw for the first time the imposability of parking in this neighborhood. After our second sweep of every nearby street and several outliers we realized that this neighborhood was not a place that could be parked in conventionaly. We phoned Jesse, a mutual friend of ours who lives close by, to inform him that Tom was in town and to solicit a parking strategy from him more insightful than "drive around 'til you find something." Jesse's strategy was brilliant in it's simplicity. "I'm headed out the burbs for dinner," he said, "you can take my spot is you want." We did want.

For their visit we planned on doing a lot of the touristy things that I'd never taken the time to do while living here. We headed over to the Lincoln Park Zoo, hit the beach and swung downtown to tip our hats on top of the Sears Tower. Since my last blog was so text heavy I'll just toss out a few thousand words in pictures and give you all the wrap up. There are no pics of the beach though. I can never take pictures there without feeling like I'm being a perv.

The zoo animals were really active that day. It all was going great until Tom needed a toilet. We stared at the sign trying to find the guy it pointed to until it was too late and Tom had to just go. Take that!

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