Monday, August 28, 2006

We're Getting Married Y'All!

...On Friday.

If you’re wondering about how I feel about the rushed arrangements, I really couldn't be more thrilled. I've always said that engagements longer than 8 days tend to drag out anyway. Our wedding is going to be so much fun I can’t even stand it. I can't wait (good thing I don’t have to) and really hope everyone who wants to be there can make it.

I'm shocked at the outpouring of support from our friends and family. It seems no one really cares about the ceremony, and everyone sincerely wants to be there to cheer us on. So far, we have a head count just shy of 40 people. We feel really lucky. (Please RSPV in the comment box to this blog, so we can get a good idea of who can make it.)

Also, please don’t be insulted if we didn’t telephone you directly, but we’re challenged with putting together a party for closest friends and family in 5 days. Whew.
We currently have two options for Friday's ceremony. Plan A is to meet at 1:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 1, the Chicago Court House, wait in line to get married by a judge, and then meet at a yet-to-be-determined restaurant in the evening so that people can celebrate with us after they get off work.
Since we've been surprised with the amount of people who want to join us, we're looking into a Plan B, which is finding someone who could marry us in the evening at the yet-to-be-determined restaurant. We don't want to leave anyone out, so we're going to work hard Monday to make that happen.

I’m assuming most of you who are reading this already know about our decision to get married on the fly, but for those who haven't heard this is how it went down:
I came back Thursday from my visa interview with the new knowledge that I do not qualify for any work permits that could be issued immediately. There were several that I could apply for but they would all be valid about a month after we planned to leave. Disappointed, I called Marty at work and told him that I would not be able to depart with him... unless we got (gasp!) married.
We hung up, let the information sink in, and then continued the conversation on instant messenger where we agreed that the big scary "M" word just made good sense. We were going to do it anyway sometime, so why not now? I said yes to the modern marriage proposal, which was complete with internet abbreviations and emoticons. Awww.
Oh, and I don’t mean to get all “Bridezilla” on everyone, but please, please, please no gifts! We’re moving to London in two weeks, so we would feel horrible if we had to leave any presents behind. We really don’t have room for any stuff.


Oliver said...

It's just about crazy enough to work. I'll be there. The planning part is such a big pile of shite - good going.

Anonymous said...

i'll be there with bells on. yay! party like it's 1992! -cass ps. (soccer on wednesday in between uic dorms and halsted el 7pm)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! As luck would have it, I am off work Friday. So, I'll try to make it, likely with my boyfriend in tow. This won't pressure him at all ...

Caleb said...

Good to see your trick worked Marty. Of course I'll see there to see if the final stages come to fruition.

Also, you're moving to London, so you guys get to go Honeymooning in Paris, or Ireland, or someplace else awesome. Looks like your lack of planning just turned into the greatest idea ever.

Unknown said...

I'm in. Just let me know if I gots to take the afternoon off or not. Luckiest people ever.

Anonymous said...

Heeeeey yooou guuuuuuuuys!

Congrats!!! I really want to cheer you two on, but I'm leaving for Japan/Taiwan on Saturday so I'm not sure if I can make it (passport issues, packing, etc).

But... I'm going to try. At the very least, just pop in and say hello.

marthamatters said...

Totally thrilled about your recent happy things. Totally can't make it. I mean WTF? A five hour road trip for me needs more planning time than your wedding. Actually, that's kind funny.

marthamatters said...

Okay, damnit! I'll be there.

Nate said...

Sorry I can't make it to the ceremony. Maybe Slupski can. Meegan and I often wish we'd done something small, like a beach thing in Jamaica or something low-key like that. So God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Marty & Megan, I'll be there for the big event! Just me. I look forward to meeting you Megan and catching up with you Marty. ~Shelley