Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We're here! (Finally)

Hey all.
We made it to London in two pieces (one for each of us), which was no hollow victory considering the rings of fire we had to jump through to get to this country. We spent the last three days with out a change of clothes because the airline lost our luggage. I'd go into more detail about our traveling horror story, but Marty has already claimed the rights to "A Moving Story, Part Two." Let's just say thank god we had our iPods. Fer Real.
We couldn't carry on liquids, of course, so we had to replace basic necessities like shampoo, conditioner, razors, contact solution, stuff like that.
This city is so expensive that a cheapskate like me can't go emergency shopping without hyperventilating. Not only that, but it's hard to gauge how much everything really costs because a) I have to do math everytime I look at a £ symbol, b) I don't really know where to get the deals or where I'm getting ripped off. The prices alone make me want to come home. I don't think this time here will be the saving opportunity we had hoped because the cost of living is unbelievably high.
I've been sick the last few days too. My stomach kills everytime I eat and I have a sinus infection that is making me dizzy and tired for lack of oxygen.
I know I'll like this place better once I get a job and a bike and can breath through my nose.
I've spent a lot of my time people watching. The fashions here are fun to look at. Skinny pants with tapered ankles and slipper shoes are the rage here. I had to buy a pair of jeans (the price of which I have blocked from my memory for my own sanity) and I couldn't even find any that weren't tapered.
Two exciting things for me: I bought a pair of red suede slipper shoes with big suede bows at the toe that I'm so in love with that they are probably hindering my process of getting to know the city because my head is bent down to watch their every move as I walk. (I'll post a pic for the ladies as soon as Marty's computer is shipped to the flat.) And our apartment is the best space I've ever lived in. It deserves its own blog.
Marty is having a good time at work, though he works late. He's had a few meetings with execs that went well. He sees a lot of opportunity to grow the biz, which will be a huge accomplishment to put on his resume.
I miss everyone at home already, so send me an email! I found out where the internet cafe is, so I'll be here often now.


Caleb said...

Great to hear you guys are doing okay. People were starting to worry.

London is supposedly the second or third most expensive city to live in. Good luck with all that.

Miss ya already.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see MegaMart is back in business.
Keep us posted.
Red suede? I would have never thought.
Oh well, when in Britian, do as the Brits do; 'ey luv?

Megan said...

Yeah, we're back, baby! The move was tough, but we're getting on our feet and learning the ropes quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marty and Megan, Good to hear from you. The computers should be there friday the 22nd and maybe monday or the weekend. The post office has 3 of the pkgs. and UPS has the other. I will check status later today. Miss you both and hope your adjustment period goes by fast. Love and hugs, Mom aka Patti.

TaylorStreet said...

Great to see you guys are alive and kicking!
Meg, I'm interested to see what these magical shoes look like.
And I developed a method for overcoming to exchange rate/expensive price dilemna:

Whenever you see the sign for "pounds" just substitute "fun" for it. So then you're all "wow, 57 funs! Awesome" Instead of "100 bucks, that's horrible"


Cheers mates.