Saturday, October 28, 2006

British TV

It's Saturday and Marty's not up yet, so I flip on the TV as I eat breakfast.

Here's the description for a show called "Freaky" : Magic series with a freaky twist. Three magicians, a dwarf, his model girlfriend and an apprentice roam the streets freaking out passers-by with magic and weirdness.

On the whole, British TV is pretty pathetic. There are a few good shows here and there, but mostly they can be summed into three catagories: horrible American imports --The War At Home, pretty much every reality television tv show, and Friends, Friends, and more Friends, ; good American imports, but a season late-- Lost, Scrubs, Curb Your Enthusiasm; and anything British-made which usually is also reality television or some kind of soap opera.

Usually I like to put on the TV when I'm home alone because it creates the illusion of company, but I think I'll listen to NPR instead.


Jay M. said...

The same is true here. There's about three good shows on network television. Other than that, I would love to be able to pick a few cable channels and pay a la carte. Discovery, ESPN, Sci-fi, History, Food Network. Do we really need more crappy sitcoms?

Oliver said...

I was astounded by the quality of American programming when I first came here: One Life to Live, General Hospital, Numbers, The 9...and a 100 more channels of the same shite.

TaylorStreet said...

For the record, it's called "The Nine" not "The 9". . .geeze, Oli. And "Numb3rs" not "Numbers."

Get it right, King George.

Oliver said...

Hey! That's really clever. Putting numb3rs in w0rds to make the title of a bad show look better. Wouldn't get that in England.

I'm 1dering where the conversation is going 2. I don't 3quent this blog often and I don't know what all this commenting is 4. I h8 all this fighting about the 9 and I in10d to put a stop to it!

Martin K. said...

Oli, you are a 3nious (read: three-nious)!

Anonymous said...


You need some real conservative talk to balance that NPR stuff.

Try Bill Bill Bennett who is on line from 11-2 your time (do you have daylight time?) He is the best and a very rational guy, unlike some others.

You can get a whole day of right wing fun, the link is:


Anonymous said...

Hey! You forgot the other "good American import" that's always a season late! MYTHBUSTERS!