Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Holy Hot-poop Batman!

My birthday was a blast thanks to my amazing wife and our new England friends. I now have a stylish hat, vest and sweater vest to make the rest of my wardrobe look lame in comparison. But as sweet as my birthday was, and as much fun as I had out dancing like a maniac, this post is not about my birthday. It is about music.

While out at the Camden Market (which is mindblowingly huge and remarkably diverse) Megan and I swung into a music shop. I noticed a CD cover that looked very appealing to me. I am a firm believer in judging books by their cover and this one had my interest piqued. The band was called Hot Chip, and the album was The Warning. I had no money to buy it, so we made a mental note and walked on.

Later the next day Megan IMed me an article she had been reading about the state of music today featuring Nick Cave, a musician I hold in very high esteem these days. I recommend reading it, but for those too busy it basically was examining how music's place has changed in society and how being drenched in sound has made music less special. But about halfway through the article Mary Margaret O'Hara mentioned liking Hot Chip. My interest was piqued.

I picked up 'Coming on Strong' their first album, and I think it rules. I can't wait to get The Warning. So to the people I know who like good music: Hot Chip. Get it. Love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Marty,
When you gett your birthday moola, go and buy the music. Happy to hear you had such a great b'day. Love ya lots, Mom