Monday, October 30, 2006

We be illin'

This weekend was pretty much a bust since Marty had a horrible case of influenza. But, really, what bout with the flu isn't horrible?
It began Friday night when we saw The Departed, and persisted until Sunday morning. Once my husband had stopped expelling from both ends and was tucked safely in bed for a much needed rest, I headed over to Potunkey's for a previously planned Lost-athon. The show was riveting and, as always with the Potunkey crew, the conversation was fun and easy. We shared our own puking/diarrhea stories. It was great fun, but we all agreed next time will be better with a healthy Marty along.
I also borrowed Season 3 of The O.C. Marty, whose stomach is back to its iron self, and I are working on our Thank You cards for the generous help and gifts we had for the wedding while indulging in some satirical drama.
So if you haven't sent us your address to us via email, get on it already!


Martin K. said...

of lost or the OC? Lost, yes. OC, not yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marty and Megan, Thanks for the update. Hopefully everything is staying down. take care

TaylorStreet said...

Happy Halloween! Hope Marty is feeling better so he can eat loads of fun-sized Snickers bars. Or I suppose Mars bars since you're overseas.

Oliver said...

I love fun-size anything. I'm not sure how a smaller size makes things more fun but it certainly does. Just the sight of them starts me having fun.

Mr Colin Taylor: We enjoy Snickers and Mars in England.

Caleb said...

The Departed = Awesome
Season 3 of The O.C. = bad
h = 6.626068 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

Hope you feel better.

They call Halloween "Gholibilies Day" in London.

TaylorStreet said...

Mr. Oli Seeley: I could really use a Mars shake right now.