Monday, November 06, 2006

Paris Pics

On the way back from my spontaneous trip to Paris I decided that my life couldn't get much better right now.
I met Sara on Thursday afternoon and we walked around, seeing the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Then Friday she had to fly back to the States, so I walked Paris streets from 9 a.m. to about 4 p.m. and took pictures by myself.
I have a lot to say about this trip, but I have to concentrate on the Job Hunt and thank you notes and other priorities before I can do a lengthy blog. Hopefully I will update this soon, but I wanted to at least get these pictures up.

This is the outside of President Jacques Chirac's palace. There was extra security because an Iraqi President Jalal Talbani was visiting when I wandered by.

Eiffel Tower by night.

And by day.

In downtown Paris, there were huge,beautiful buildings at every turn.

Croissant in front of the Louvre.

The train station was one of the coolest buildings I saw.

I'm there in blue, being dwarfed by Notre Dame.


Anonymous said...

Nice weather!

No one is commenting. We are a little jealous. Then we remember gourmet British Food. That is an oxymoron. Hope you enjoyed Paris food.

Do you know the French word for a British sun tan?


Laura said...

Beautiful. I also am jealous. Maybe more than a little.

I'm glad you appreciate your life right now, though. Because if you took this for granted I might have to find a way to off you and take your place.

Finally, that croissant looks tasty.

Anonymous said...

Your pics make me tear up. I had such a wonderful time in Paris. It's my favorite trip as of yet.

Too bad you didn't get a picture of those crepes...

I think of them often. Too often.