Architectural Digest
Marty and I had a pretty wicked awesome weekend. It provided the perfect balance of relaxed sight-seeing and doing nothing.
First we went to the famed antique market called Portobello Market in our effort to scope out good spots to take The In-laws. My in-laws, Marty's family, that is. I just think it's fun to call the Smiths "the in-laws." Anywho, we were only slightly surprised that there were no mushrooms. The picture below is supposed to convey the river of people in the street. It was crowded, but had some interesting wares.
Then we got sick of the crowds and decided to explore the the Notting Hill neighborhood, which is known for being really rich. The spacious sidewalks reminded us of the Chicago.
This is a cool abandoned building I liked.
As you can see, this optician's office sells glasses for the blind, wizards, and weird drag queen comedians.
This church has captivated me on the No. 73 bus to work.* So we trekked back to the tube and went to Euston Station, which is right near the church. The inside was closed, but the outside was fascinating enough. It struck us strange that it is a Christian church (The Church of England, to be exact), but modelled after Pagan Roman temples.
This is Saint Pancras Station, just down the street from the church. It is hard to capture with the camera we've got, but it was built mid-1800s and its got really detailed stonework. Under remodelling right now, though.Then we met up with friends for good times and good company at their local pub. Then on Sunday, thanks to said friends, we watched Felicity hours and hours... and then we ordered in food and watched more. We're just starting Junior year, now and things are getting preeeettyy darn interesting, lemme tell ya. Felicity just can't make up her mind between Ben and Noel. Crazy. Also, you know J.J. Abrams, the creater of Lost? He did Felicity first, and we have found out that he has just lifted themes, for example the stolen-kidneys-from- abandoned-offspring-thing.
*Oh, yeah. I don't take the Tube anymore. I've opted for getting up 15 minutes earlier to take relaxing bus ride where I can sit and stare at architecture.
those are some nifty pictures. I'm very glad to hear that you're taking the bus now; crowded subway trains are horrifying.
We miss you guys. I hope I can come see you sometime soon.
I agree.
And me too.
me three.
Also miss you. Also enjoy photography. Also want to come see you soon.
This comment had no original thought in it.
well thats all we are? "in-laws?" i must say, i am shocked and appalled :]i see you in 29 days!!
Did they have mushrooms? LOL! (oh shit. I should finish reading the rest of the blog before I comment)
Great Architecture! Can't wait to see it in person.
You have trees blossoming there? We're supposed to get hit with another 6 inches of totally un- global-warmed snow this weekend.
FYI: The columns on that church are Greek inspired. Female figured columns were called "Caryatids". Male columns were "Telamons" or Atlases.
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