Friday, August 03, 2007

long-term planning is for the birds

We're off to Paris this weekend. I'm forcing Marty to get out of the UK before we have to hand over our passports (again!) next week because our visas must be renewed. Marty cannot have moved all the way over to Europe and not have gotten out of the UK for a whole year. Not on my watch. Hard to believe that we have been here a year already, isn't it?

We booked train tickets at 11 p.m. last night and packed this morning with out any thought to what we are going to do when we reach our destination. We arrive in Paris at midnight Friday and leave late Sunday. I have the luxury of taking Monday off as my boss has been not so subtly hinting that I have to use up the month of vacation time left in my allotted annual leave. Who takes that much vacation? Jeesh.

Anyway, a blog on the European mentality on holidays later. Now I'm off to buy a French to English phrase book so I can hopefully avoid scowls from snobby Parisians who think their language is the only language that should be spoken in the world. Maybe I'll learn to say "Get over it" in French. haha. Oh, I kill me!


potunkey said...

Not as much as they will.

Nate said...

A month vacation? You Old World roustabouts. I had 13 days this year, and even that will be reduced to 10 b/c of the new corporate owners.