Dear Nobody,
I'm assuming those anonymous comments left on the blog I wrote last week were from someone who doesn't actually know me. This is the internet; there's no telling who reads this blog. But just in case...uh, it was over the top on purpose, dude. I'd be sad if one of my friends (or two friends, possibly, but being a master forensic linguist I have deduced they were both left by the same person) thought my ideals were really so simplistic that I have not "Asked [my]self why the majority of countries in this world take issue with America."
Or if they thought I would actually blast an anthem of sarcasm on election night. That wouldn't be neighborly.
Though I do, in fact, have a big hate on for Micheal Moore and his cohorts and really wish I was home for the election year. And many Europeans are naive about world affairs, sigh, just like many Americans, of course.
The song is a good reflection of a phase I was in a few months ago when I was frustrated with the many conversations I'd had with some Europeans about the role the US played in the world in which they repeated some unfair, untrue stereotypes about Americans. The worst of which involved one person arguing that the whole world should be able to vote for the US President because the US's actions had such a global impact. Yeah, ok.
OMG, love you guys, miss you guys, etc.
And America rocks, too.
Crap, I forgot to log in.
Maybe you'll get the reference:
"I'm not from here! I've got my own customs! Look at my crazy passport!"
[Crazy rant begins here] Fret not, dear sister. When my quest for global domination is complete, there won't be anyone speaking to you in such a way. It shall be disallowed. That, and everyone shall be forced to watch Mythbusters, the history of both the Marvel and DC comics universes shall be among the required curricula in schools, video games shall be a religion, and much Mountain Dew will be consumed. [Crazy rant ends here] America does indeed rock despite all its problems. Micheal Moore is a liar who has not worked an actual job ever and does nothing for his hometown. That is all.
Tyler, when the hell did you get smart and funny?
Uh...when I was born?
....if you vote Obama we'll start liking you again.
You're a genu-wine internets celebrity when you get anonymous haters!
To: "if you vote Obama we'll start liking you again"
Hey, come on over. Get yourself a voter's id and you can express your opinon at the ballot box. Pay US income taxes. Maybe then we'll worry if you like us.
Hehehe! Go Dad!
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