Vacation over. Real Life rebooted.
There's so much to cover since our last post I'm going to have to skip a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to post a bunch more anecdotes and video later, but given our posting history even I'm skeptical.
First up is Rome.
Rome is the center of one of the greatest and long lasting empires in human history. It was the center of the ancient world, and evidence of it's long legacy is dripping from every building and visible on every corner. And though the deep history and iconic culture of this city is what drew us here, it's also has a down side. It's a little something we called Museum Fatigue.
Museum Fatigue is what you get when there's so much art, architecture and sculpture to look at that your culture receptors in our brain get depleted and you can't appreciate anything anymore, no matter how inspiring. Symptoms include glazed eyes, impatient glares, and frustration written all over your face. Here's a picture of a textbook case of the condition:This picture was taken at the Vatican, but our worst case had to be during the mandatory 4 hours of museum they make you walk through before you get to the Sistine Chapel.
But don't think we didn't enjoy Rome. Rome was awesome. Our problem was really that it was too awesome to cram into the three days we had to poke around. If I had an excuse to work there for a few months I'd take it in a heartbeat, because that's how much time it'd take to soak this city in.
From there we took the red-eye to Cairo.
I'm just going to drop pictures here, because there's too much to write and we got some good ones.
And from Cairo it was off to sweet home Chicago. No pictures from here yet, but let me tell you all this... it's great to see the old crew again. We are missing London a bit and wishing we had our stuff that's still on a boat en route, but off to a decent start over here.
About time we got an update!
Sorry to hear about the boat.
Thank you for giving museum fatigue a name.
Good to have you back.
Hey Marty, I went to the election rally with this guys Jesse, who apparently is a good enough friend of yours that he went to your wedding, but not good enough to know you are back in town. Send him an email will 'ya?
Sooooooo, what's new?
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