Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Baby at a Funeral

We spent last Saturday in Rockford for Megan's Grandma's funeral.  I know I won't be able to do the event justice, but it would be a disservice to not mention it.  I only met Megan's Grandma (from whom penny get's her middle name, Winter) twice, and only when she was way later on in years, but she was still someone who left an impression on me.  I suppose it wasn't as much her impression as it was the impression she left on Megan transferring over to me.  She was a sci-fi lover, a geek-gal before it was hip.  She was a pack rat, I heard, but was always trying to give Megan things when we left.  She was feisty and had a truly iron will.  And I could tell that she was a big influence on the woman I am married to.  May she rest in peace.

While in Rockford I got to meet Megan's extended family and they all got to meet Penny.  She was a real hit, and a so well behaved (a.k.a. asleep)!  Megan's family was also very nice to talk to, and I had many a good conversation or laugh with everyone I got to talk to.

On Tuesday Nate, Kate and Libby came over and brought dinner for us (thanks a TON!) and stayed to watch Lost... And, holy crap, Lost is so bad this season.  I expected the end to be unsatisfying, because the known can never be as exciting as the un-, but I never guessed that it was just going to plain suck.  I will write a whole post on exactly how bad it is soon.  (side note: I may have offended Libby with a comment like, "they're sick or something" that sounded like I was mocking her, but know this: it was not intended to insult!)

And today Penny was a super smiley girl.  Check out the pictures!


Mendy said...

I love this last picture. It is soooooooo cute.

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