Sunday, January 24, 2010

On Special: Logan Friends

The Logan Squarians came to visit baby Penny, and at six days old it's about time she met her honorary aunts and uncles!  I think the pictures say enough... they can't take their eyes off her!


Anonymous said...
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Dave said...

If Pen has a college fund you should give it all to the first commenter. He sounds like a solid bet.

Marvellous pictures by the way. We are jealous.

Chad said...

Guys - Penny is pretty much the cutest baby I've ever seen. You don't know how relieved I am to not have to lie to yet another person about how cute their newborn is when it actually looks like a gremlin!

moaksey said...

Wow! I am actually very curious to know how one can manage to receive high yields on investments. I'll be sure to look up that site. Making 1000-2000 a day sounds sweet.

What a multi-faceted blog you have here. Baby AND finance info.


P.S. I second Chad. Really, really can't wait to meet her in February...