Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jimmy = Awesome

I don't know how many of our patrons will actually get this, but it was too funny not to post.

My sister, Hillary, posted some pics on her blog and when I saw the bottom one I just started laughing. For those of you who do not traverse the dark crusty corners of the world wide webs, let me tell you about a place called 4chan (and I hesitate to do this but... here is the link, click at your own risk). 4chan is where a lot of stuff on the internet came from. Rickrolling, lolcats, and the hilarious Pedobear all started there. There is also a smiley face called "Awesome!" that was a huge internet meme for a while, which leads me to:

Jimmy = Awesome!

If you want to read all about the Awesome face, check this link out.

I promise more baby pics by the end f the weekend.


Eric said...

that's awesome, the evolution of a smiley!

Caleb said...

Hahahahaha. Now get a movie of Penelope making Bubb Rubb noises.