Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Honeymoon's Over!*

Marty and I got back to Chicago late last night and marveled at how lucky we were this weekend. We pulled off the perfect** One-Week-Wedding of the Century.
We had a turn out of about 60 people, and thankfully enough food, chairs, and drinks for everyone. Many thank you cards are in order--to everyone who came and to everyone who gave us generous gifts. A special thank you will be in order to our family, who busted their B-hinds to help u
s pull off this shindig. Don't think all of your manual labor went unappreciated! Also, many thanks to our Best Man, Tom, and Matron of Honor, Sara, who exuded happiness the whole night.
We will never forget the Hatzfelds, who hosted at their home about 16 of our closest Chicago friends so we could continue celebrating together. We newlyweds could wake up to the smell of bacon and the sounds of our friends chatting downstairs.
And we are grateful to Oli, who was good enough to video the entire event. I'm very excited to see what he comes up with, as he's done so well with videos of his daughter, Lily. The video understandably may take some time, as Oli is a very busy family man.
The formal thank yous will come, but hopefully everyone will understand if they have a London stamp on them. Marty and I are now focused on getting visas and packing. We leave in less than two weeks!
On our honeymoon in Door County, we donned "Married People Clothes." I had a T-shirt with a ridiculous catch phrase only related to Door County by the ellipses and then "Door County, Wis.", and Marty, an unflattering cap with the county's name and then random anchors embroidered above the bill. The weekend was replete with the two jokes "OMG! This is the first [blank] as a married couple!" and "What a weirdo! Can you believe I married this guy?"
More pictures, and likely more stories from the wedding, will be posted this week, fer sher. We are hoping to post our self-written vows, the video, a picture slideshow, and other media that will help enhance the "virtual wedding" experience for those who couldn't make it. In the mean time, here are some of the pictures taken by Marty's sister Hillary and by ourselves on our honeymoon:

*Marty said he would allow me three passes to make that joke, and the title of this post is the last use. Now I can never say the word honeymoon again. Or "over." Or "the." I'm hoping he'll let me use the contraction" 's" again, but that is iffy at the moment.
**Ok, maybe not perfect. Ouch!


Anonymous said...

So what IS the London address?

Nate said...

Meegan and I went to Door County for our honeymoon too. But it was unseasonably cold in June and the whole week was rainy and 40 degrees. It was like taking a honeymoon to Maine in the winter. So we went to Miami the next year to make up for it.