Monday, November 13, 2006

The First Million's AlwaysThe Hardest

Marthamatters has rightly chided me for letting slide my Strict Blogging Schedule. Whoops.

I’m behind on all kinds of correspondence. I’ve been trying to concentrate on the Job Hunt and other things that will make Marty and me millionaires.

I guess my only excuse for my absence from our blogosphere is that after I got home from Paris, time just flew by. It' s a switch because when I first moved here, days seemed to drag on. I was bored and lonely. I realize now that I wasn’t really setting up a life here for the first month, but just sort of waiting until I could go back home.

But now that we’ve celebrated a birthday and missed Halloween, Election Day, and soon, Thanksgiving it’s really clear we’re not anywhere near Kansas anymore and I better get to assimilating. (Besides after Dec. 1, only one ape and his roommate even live in the old neighborhood anymore. Weird.)

I still miss being able to call up my friends whenever I wanted (or, for that matter, speaking at all during the day) but Paris actually gave me a kick and I’ve been more comfortable here ever since.

Although I missed Marty during those two days, it was good for me to go independently. Walking around in that city by myself sort of proved to me that I am having my own Life Experience here and not just tagging along, which I had felt like even before we moved. It was also good to see Sara, because sometimes it’s like things aren’t really happening unless you can talk about them with others.

Now I'm in a bit of a transitional phase. I'm kind of homesick, but if we were suddenly transplanted back in the States somewhere, I think it would be almost as much of a culture shock as when we first came here. We're swiftly becoming good friends with Potunkey and crew, and would miss them if we left.

Basically, I'm pining for Mexican food but would miss the Traditional English Breakfast if we left. (Baked beans for breakfast. Brilliant.)

Another Development: I’ve stopped freaking out about London prices now that Marty brings home a paycheck in pounds. When you’re making pounds, things cost about the same as they do back home.

Yet Another Development: We got new winter coats. Enjoy our model poses.


Anonymous said...

We'd miss you terribly if you left! It's so fun having you both here and rediscovering London through your eyes. And yes, baked beans for breakfast are the best, but only with brown sauce.

Caleb said...

Why is Marty doing the Jimmy Durante pose?

Anonymous said...

Rico. Suave.

Anonymous said...

You look like real Londoners now. I'm going to stick out like a sore Rockfordian thumb when I visit.