Who's who
I don't post too often. It's not that I don't want to, heck I love telling other people what I think, but I put too much pressure on myself and on what I'm writing. I've left many a half finished blog unposted because I didn't feel like it was up to snuff, or because I got too frustrated trying to flesh it out properly. But I realized that writing a blog isn't as big of an issue as I thought. I can write whatever, because it's for my friends and who cares.On to the meat. Have you ever watched the show "24"? I just started watching, and let me tell you, it's very cool. But I think I like it for a different reason than most, Jack Bauer is my cooler doppleganger and I like seeing what I would do if I was a badass spy. I don't feel awkward like I did watching my other doppleganger, Anthony Michael Hall, but instead feel like maybe I could still be cool. Well we can all hope.
And, Hollywood, if you ever need Jack Bauer's illegitimate son to save the day, or want to do a spin off where his progeny is working for the terrorists... I can make myself available.
Hi Husband/International spy.
Way to put the "Mart" back in MegaMart. Awesome pic.
For the record I've always thought that the guy playing Jack Bauer WAS Marty, but that he just didn't want to be all braggy about his fame. Apparently it's some fella named "Kiefer," which sounds fake.
Whatever. . . 24 will be going off the air once "B, B, and K" starts it's run on NBC next year.
Maybe we can change Berkley into a counter-terrorist dog?
marty, you should let us in the states know what's going on more often. However, your better half (ha.) has been doing a good job keeping us updated in your absence.
oh marty! i miss you so much! COME BACK SOON OKAY because all your sisters miss you terribly.
i heard the mailman might've stolen your christmas present.
Wait,Jay, why is it funny that I'm Marty's better half?
Did anyone notice that the clouds in that photo are in the shape of Marty's face? Maybe there's more to this doppleganger theory than we originally thought...
I think it is an accurate comparison because there was that time you threatened to cut out my eye with your pocket knife if I didn't "start talking."
Megan, I warned you about guys with their heads in the clouds. Oh well.
( Marty "Kiefer" Smith? Is this like a Joe Wilson / Valerie Plame cover ?)
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