D-O-U-B-L-E spells trouble
I had a ton of fun making the me and Kiefer pic and thought I'd post a few more friends-and-the-celebs-they-look-like.First up...
it's funny, it's obvious and there's even an hilarious story that goes along with it, Colin and Joshua Jackson (aka Pacey from Dawson's Creek)! And who could forget that amazing party where they were in head to head competition over the same girl? I know she never will.
And next up is a surprise entry...One is a passionate cyclist and industrial designer, the other is an English cooking phenom with a muppet-like speech impediment, it's Nate and Jamie Oliver!
Look at these two buddies yucking it up over a beer. Jamie got a little ornery later on and tried to make everyone eat veggies instead of fried food, but Nate saved the day by suggesting strawberries, natures candies, for dessert.
I'm hoping to do a few more, so if you guys want me to do one of you, comment and tell me what celeb you think you look like and I'll see what I can do.
marty i really love celebrity look alikes. here are some of my favorites:
uh i apparently cannot post images in a comment-- DAMN I HAD SOME GOOD ONES TOO.
I look just like Edgar Renteria.
Wait, I mead you look like that.
mead should read meant
you guys and your British sense of humour.
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