Sunday, September 28, 2008


Megan and I arrived in Barcelona on Friday night and have been relaxing to the max out here.  We've spent two days just rambling around and lying on the beach and couldn't ask for better weather to do it in.  We had a great little party last night where we all played a Brazilian game called Truco.  It was like a 3 trick version of Euchre with some crazy fake out potential.  Pictures will be forthcoming as soon as we can borrow Ang and Oli's roommate Matt's camera.  

We have two more days here in Barca, and I can't imagine we'll do much... but I do think we'll have a total blast.  

Also, in the next batch of pictures I should have a wicked sunburn!


Anonymous said...

Gaull dang. What a great trip plan! And thanks for blogging even though you thought you'd wait...

Anonymous said...

prior comment:

Unknown said...

We got some photos off Matt's camera. See here:

Hope Rome and Cairo are a blast :)

Caleb said...

I'm assuming that since you haven't posted since then that you were Shanghaied on your way to Rome.