Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2008: a fond farewell

Megan and I will miss 2008. It was a year full of great stuff. 2009 has a lot to live up to, and starting in a recession is not the foot you should lead with. So to celebrate 2008, here's a short song/peom I wrote just now from the depths of my heart:

2008, you were great.
I can't think of one thing about you I hate
Obama was elected
Our dues were collected
And we moved back to the United States

so until the NEXT 2008... farewell two-zero-zero-eight, my friend, fare well.


Jay M. said...

that was just lovely.

Eric said...

can you write a poem about key lime cove?

Caleb said...

Here's a haiku I wrote about 2009:

New year brings much light
We celebrate change and hope
Beware the robots

Anonymous said...

Can you write a poem about key lime PIE instead?

ken the dad said...

What happened? The last time you posted, Obama was still in-waiting.

Jay M. said...

It's time to dust off those cables and jump start this biatch. You have things to talk about again, right?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!